
Hello everyone!
Charles Giuliano interviewed Jenn Harris about the movie "Gayby" and the QWAN Company.. and they talked about Randy too:

"Charles Giuliano: Can we talk about QWAN and the Brooklyn Scene of very young theatre which you are involved with. In Gayby we saw about five seconds of Randy Harrison.
Jenn Harris: There was five seconds of Randy Harrison. He made the cut. There’s so much more that we had. There’s so much more that will be on the DVD.


"CG: The Brooklyn scene seems very intense with so many actors living and working together.
JH: True but me and Randy are the only ones who actually live in Brooklyn. Johnny and Matthew (Wilkas) live in Manhattan. I live in Brooklyn, Randy lives in Williamsburg but I think everyone else in the film lives in Manhattan.
CG: Every time we mention Randy it goes viral round the world.
JH Does it? Is that why we’re mentioning him so we can go viral? Randy Harrison. Randy Harrison. Randy Harrison. I guess that’s what happens when you get on a TV show. Right? He’s like one of the first to go to DVD.

Click HERE to read the entire article!

Thanks to Klaudia62!!

Posted by Ale

Hello everyone,
Scott Lowell went to see the movie "Gayby" and this is what he wrote about it on his facebook page yesterday:

"Got to see Gayby last night and laughed a WHOLE lot! One of the best "gay themed" films I've seen. Very talented cast led by the inimitable Jenn Harris ... and even my pal Randy Harrison makes a cameo (more of him on the DVD from what I hear). If it comes to your town rush out and see it. Keep supporting indie film."

Source: Scott Lowell - Facebook

Posted by Ale

Hello everyone,
we added a new pic of Randy taken on October 16th during the reading of "The Click of the Lock":

Thanks to Milo and Klaudia62!

Source: Your Name Here - Facebook

Posted by Ale

Hello everyone,
we have another very interesting report about Randy in the reading of "The Click of the Lock", click HERE to read it!

Thanks very much to Milo for giving us his permission to share it!

Posted by Ale

Hello everyone,
we have a video about the movie "Such Good People": the director Stewart Wade and the screenwriter David Michael Barrett talk about the story and the cast and ask for our contribution to raise the money they need to make the movie!

A young, gay couple (Randy Harrison and Michael Urie) discover a secret room filled with cash while house-sitting for wealthy friends... who die while out of the country.

To know more and to give your contribution click HERE!

Thanks to Klaudia62!!

Posted by Ale

Hello everyone,
we have a report about Randy in the reading of "The Click of the Lock", click on "Read More" to read it.. and we also have a picture from the Q&A:

Many many thanks to our dear Trish for giving us the permission to share her report and pic!!
And thanks to Lucia for the heads up!

•Read more •

Posted by Ale

Hello everyone,
Randy is listed as one of the participants of the "Spirit Day" on October 19th!

What is Spirit Day?

Millions of Americans wear purple on Spirit Day as a sign of support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth and to speak out against bullying. Spirit Day was started in 2010 as a response to the young people who had taken their own lives. Observed annually, individuals, schools, organizations, corporations, media professionals and celebrities wear purple, which symbolizes spirit on the rainbow flag. Getting involved is easy -- participants are asked to simply "go purple" on October 19th as we work to create a world in which LGBT teens are celebrated and accepted for who they are.

Thanks to Lucia e Klaudia62!

Source: glaad.org

Posted by Ale

Hello everyone,
we have some new HQ pictures of Randy taken yesterday when he attended the premiere of the movie "Gayby":

with Jenn Harris and Matthew Wilkas

with Christian Coulson and Jonathan Lisecki

Thanks to Trish, Lucia and Klaudia62!!

Photo Credit: Ian Epstein

Source: broadwayworld.com

Posted by Ale
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