Hi, everybody! Today we’re celebrating randy-harrison.it ‘s seventh birthday... seven years spent working for this site!
Thank you so much, Simona for continuously renovating the graphic… thanks to you, our site can keep up with the new technology!
Thank you Lucia and Trish for your most precious help with finding the news and a special thank you to Trish for all the reports she’s kindly sharing with us!
Many thanks to Katia and Lory for updating the forum and for sharing our facebook page! Thank you so much Francesca and Sunshine for your precious help in every difficult situation… Thanks to all of you girls!
And I wish to thank Randy for being such a great presence in our lives… his talent and his smile are really heartwarming! We’re glad that he appreciates our work!
And MOSTLY thanks to ALL of YOU, for following our work and for being more and more everyday! A very special thank you to Babylon, who NEVER fails to leave a comment on this site… thank you, it’s really nice reading “you”…
And, last but not least, we’d like to tell you that we wish to have more people in our team… the amount of work is getting bigger and bigger and it’s always a pleasure to share our passion with “new people”. So, if you’d like to work with us and find your name in the staff’s list, feel free to email us (our email address is listed on the menu, on the right). We’re especially looking for people translating from Italian to English and vice-versa, but also much more… We’d like to share different tasks between members! We’re waiting for your help!
(Thank you Sunshine!)