By: Francesca
Pictures: Francesca
Edited by: Marcy
Gallery: [day 1] [day 2] [day 3]
Day 1 - Saturday October 30th 2010
Mine and Gloria's flight was at 9.30 a.m. on Saturday and we landed in Paris at 11.00 a.m. After a quick stop at our hotels, we met with Marcy, Sonia, Alessandra e Carla who were there since the night before, and ventured over to the Con to be registered. They gave us a card with a number on it (I was number 109) and a bracelet that we couldn't take off until the con ended. I cannot tell you how great it was to sleep and shower with that plastic thing!! As soon as I was registered, I found myself hugged very hard by my darling Pia who had been at the Con all morning having arrived in Paris on Friday. It was SO great to see her! I'd been looking forward to see her again so much!!! Then I also met Trish, Anna, and Angie. Wonderful Ladies!!!!
Since Randy wasn't scheduled for a Q&A panel until 2.15 p.m., we decided to go grab something to eat and then come back early to be sure we would have nice seats in the auditorium. The weather in Paris was extremely hot and I had taken with me only sweaters... to say I was cursing my decision is an understatement. I never suffered so much from heat in November!!! LOL
Anyway, at 2.00 p.m. we were allowed back in and we took our seats in the auditorium. We were in third row so not bad, but I had no idea my camera had such a lousy zoom... it looks like I took pictures from Italy! *sighs* The staff performed a dance at the beginning and then they told us we would be the ones to repeat that dance for the actors on the last day. I had no intention of doing anything like that. Best laid plans... but I'm jumping ahead. So we're sitting there, and they showed us a scene from the L Word (nothing from QaF, and I still don't know why) before announcing Randy and Laurel Holloman for the panel. They came in and sat and... Randy looked so pretty :)
The guy you can see on Randy's right was the host, David, and he only spoke French so there was another host, a girl named Yaele, that worked as a translator for the actors and for us (she's in latest pictures.) They told us that this first Q&A panel would be reserved for our questions and they said that the actors had three "wild cards" that they could use to avoid answering a question or to pass that question up to the other actor or to throw the question back to the person who had asked. I'll tell you immediately that none of them ever used the 'wild card', not that day nor during the third one that was organized the same way (on day 2 question were asked by the host.)
Day 1 questions were (I'll summarize them briefly):
- After QaF, Randy didn't do much TV. Is he planning on doing some TV now? Randy said that after finishing QaF he wanted to be as far away from TV as possible, but now he'd like to be in a TV show. He's open to the possibility.
- What was the hardest scene to play? Randy said that the hardest part was that they made them suck on ice cubes when they shot outside during winter so their breath wouldn't show. He said his tongue always got numb and he had troubles speaking.
- He was asked about the break-up between Brian and Justin at the end of season 5 and he said that he doesn't think B and J broke up (*cue us jumping up and down*) because yes, Justin went away and all but that doesn't mean he broke up with Brian. He also said that Justin needed to go away to become his own person.
- Does he have new theatre projects? And did he see any of his former cast mates' performances in theatre? Randy said he doesn't have projects lined up for now, and that he saw Gale in one play (we all thought he meant he'd seen Orpheus but it turns out he was talking about Suddenly Last Summer) and Peter in two plays. He never saw Scott.
- Why did he come back to the Paris Con this year, too? Randy's answer was: "Why wouldn't I?" *grins*
- How did he feel when he first read the script for QaF? Randy said he'd heard about the UK one and when he was given the script for the Showtime one he thought that, if they managed to portray it as they'd written it, it would be a big deal and would have lots of attention. He said he thought they wouldn't have the balls to go with it, though.
- B/J are the center of the show. How does he remember the first scene he had with Gale? Randy said that he remembers strongly the scene where Gale's pouring water all over himself and the kiss after that because the camera was moving around a lot and he kept thinking, "Where is that camera now??" LOL. He also said that he and Gale had met before and had talked about howthey were going to shoot the sex scene. Then he added that at the beginning the writers didn't want B/J to be the center of the show. They wanted to put Brian and Michael in the spotlight. B/J came later (I wonder why... LOL).
- He was asked to do an impression of one of the characters in QaF and he made Ted's impression! So funny with the snorting up crystal and having a seizure!!! He actually mimicked the seizure *g*
Then he was asked to mimic a movie and he got up and hid behing his seat and did...
JAWS! He made a shark with his hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At that point I was dying laughing :D Oh, Randy *g*
A few more shots of the first day...
Before the panel ended, a man holding a garbage bag decided it would be a great idea to get up the stage and cross it calmly walking in front of the actors. At first we all thought it was a comic sketch, but it wasn't! That man basically didn't care about the fact that there were people talking on that stage and simply walked across it with his garbage bag. Randy's face was a thing of beauty but I was too busy laughing to take pictures *g*
After the panel ended, we went to line up to have our picture taken with Randy. As it turns out, we only had one picture and one autograph with Randy, and if we wanted more we had to pay for them. I did. I bought a second picture and a second autograph :) So I'm there, in line, and I start realizing I'm about to see Randy up close. Nervous, you say? You have no idea.
My time comes and I approach him and... well, I knew he was good looking but I swear I had no idea he was so STUNNING! I wasn't prepared! I mean, when you go see Gale, you know what you're about to see can cause permanent damage to your nervous system (lol), but I honestly didn't think I would be so affected with Randy! He is gorgeous. I'm not kidding you. So anyway, I walk towards him and give him my hand which he shakes, and then I told him my name and he just looked at me with the expression of someone who's not sure what he's just heard... *headdesk* I forgot to ask him permission to hug him so I just stood there beside him *headdesk again* After a couple of seconds, I had to go and I thanked him, and he said, "Oh no, thank you," putting the emphasis on the 'you' and it was all I could do to walk away without dying right there and then. Oh, dear, God!
So that was fuck up number one. Are we surprised?? LOL The day ended up there for us because we were invited to the Halloween party that night and we needed to go get ready. Also, there was nothing more to follow because all of the conferences about the shows were in French. Not cool. So we went to have dinner at a Brasserie near Gloria's hotel, and then we went to dress up for the party. We had to take the subway while dressed up!!!!!!! People kept pointing and laughing but we had fun :D
Oh, and there I was, sure that Randy wouldn't attend the party, so I had on a head band with two huge purple bats hanging from it, and I go inside and the first person I see is Randy! Can you picture my face? Never wanted so much to run around in circles screaming. And at one point, Randy (who was there with Marci Adilman, she is soooo pretty and nice) walked behind me and threw a weird look at my head band... *dies from embarassement* We didn't stay much at the party because we were too tired but Pia was elected Queen!!!!! I'm so proud!!!!!
Day 2 - Sunday October 31st 2010
Dato The day started very early for us because Randy's second panel was scheduled for 10.30 a.m. and as usual we wanted to be there as soon as possible to catch good seats. We went for breakfast in a nice cafè (and may I mention how much I love croissants and baguettes there? *licks lips*) then we made our way towards the center where the Con was held. I should mention that our hotel was not as close to the center as I had thought and that we had quite a walk to make a few times a day to go back and forth.
We had to queue for a while outside but I had such a pleasant chat with the girls and with the newly arrived Coralie so I really didn't mind the long wait. That was the day we met Lexi, too. She is so lovely and we adopted her. She's Italian, too, now *g*
We managed once again to catch seats in third row and now allow me a tiny rant. A few girls who had NEVER watched QaF but where there only for The L Word took pleasure in stealing us the first two rows all the time. Even when there was no guest from L Word on the panel, they sat there. Why, I ask? We wouldn't even think to deprive them of the first rows when Randy wasn't on! *grumbles* /rant
Anyway, they showed us the clip from the King of Babylon contest (and I can't imagine Randy being happy about it...) and then they announced Randy. I loved his outfit that day. Sue me ;P
Questions that day were asked only by the host, and they were:
- How much did Randy work on the KOB dance? Randy said he'd worked with a go-go boy on a few routines and then they shot it for a long time. He also said that he danced keeping in mind that Justin was probably thinking something like, "I can't believe I'm doing this but I am!" and the dance was like a discovery for him.
- They then showed the Prom scene, which Randy was really interested in, and then pointed out that that dance is a turning point for B/J. Randy said that Justin in season 1 never got what he wanted from Brian, he was always denied. But during Prom, Justin finally got everything he wanted because Brian was now willing to give it to him. Randy also said that learning the dance wasn't hard, and that during the scene some of the extra didn't know what the show was about and they were homophobic (O.O), so that somehow made the scene more real to them, too.
- They showed a clip from the Pink Posse arc, when Justin puts the gun in Hobbs' mouth. Was Randy ever worried that Justin would go too far? That this journey would break him? Randy said that the scene was very intense. He talked about the fact that a few of the writers had lived the time where gays were raided in bars and all that and they wanted to show that. But, Randy also said (and I LOVED him for it) that it was hard for him to play that because it felt OOC for Justin to react like that because Justin did NOT live how the writers lived, so Randy had to adapt all the writers' frustration to a kid who had different life experience.
Trivia: David, the host, while talking about the Pink Posse called them Pink Pussy.... I have no idea how Randy managed not to laugh in his face!!! We did laugh and Yaele, the translator, told David about his mistake and he was so embarassed!! Randy was grinning like a loon :D LOL
- He was asked if it was difficult to shoot scenes in Babylon with no music and he said that it was funny listening to the beat for a few moments and then having to shout and keep moving without it. He said the extra all danced at a different rhythm! LOL
The last day was very busy. Gloria had a deal with one of the organizer of the Con and she was given two more photoshoots with Randy; she asked if one of them could be a group shot. They said yes so we had our third queue at 11.45 a.m. to get that photoshoot. We were laughing like crazies while in line, and suddenly we decided we wanted to ask Randy if we could have our picture with the shark impression, too *points to pic in Day 1* We named Lexi as the one who had to ask Randy about it. She did and Randy said, "Oh.. ok," and looked at us like we were a bunch of lunatics and he wanted to run away!! LOL We all posed with our hands making the shark impression and, as soon as the photographer finished, Randy said, "I looked like a priest!" and made the cross sign!!! *giggles and giggles* Marcy told Randy we're a crazy bunch, and Randy replied, "I know!" So really, if he'll ever say he has a group of crazies among his fans, he's talking about us ;P
After that it was already lunch time so we headed towards a nice little place close to the center. The afternoon program listed the third Q&A with Randy and Rachel Shelley (whom I discovered I adore, she's such a wonderful Lady) so we got back in the queue to access the auditorium pretty early. We chatted a lot while in line and I don't remember laughing so much in my entire life! Those were silly days. Anyway, this time we had crappy seats. Well, at least I did... Sonia, Lexi and I were the last in the row and Randy was basically covered by Yaele for us. I don't have many pics of that day.
Questions that day were again from the audience, so the actors had the "wild cards". The host challenged us to ask questions that would force the actors to use the cards.... a few people took it too seriously, imo. Not cool...
- Which character from QaF is his favourite? Which character would he have liked to play if he couldn't be Justin? Would he want to be Brian? Randy said that his favourite character is Lindsay, that he would have liked to play Debbie, and that he wouldn't want to play Brian because he didn't want the responsibility of carrying the show on his shoulders, and because Brian had too much sex.
- Could he mimic Brian throwing water all over himself? Randy picked up a vaporizer, asked, "What was the line there? Something about 'coming/going, going/coming'..." (LMAO) and vaporized his face with the water.
- Was he wearing panties or a thong? Randy was not happy. But he didn't use the "wild card" and just deadpanned, "Thong."
- Pajamas or naked skin? Randy: "It depends on the season." (I love him. That is all.)
- If he could choose three former castmates to work with again, who would he choose? Randy said, "I'd want Peter as a director, Michelle as a producer, and Gale as a writer."
- Is Gale a good kisser? Randy said, "I can't tell because I never kissed him in RL. It was all staged. It was for show." And then Rachel said that when you have to kiss someone on screen, you don't think about how soft her/his lips are or if he/she is a good kisser, you just think, "Did the camera get this? Is the angle right?"
- Is he in contact with his former castmates? Randy's answer is always the same every time: he sees them whenever he's in LA or they come to NY.
Trivia: Yaele translating called Randy "she" and then she immediately apologized. Randy said, "Oh, don't worry. I don't mind." LOL forever!!!!!!
- Was he the one drawing Justin's pictures? Randy said no, he only colored them or retraced them to make it look like he was.
- Which TV character past or present would he like to be? Randy: "Dorothy, from 'Golden Girls.' She was the tall one, with the deep voice."
- Then he was asked about the audition process for QaF and the answer was the same as ever but he added a couple of things that made us laugh so much! He said he auditioned with a very muscular possible!Brian and that he remembers how he almost couldn't move! He even made an impression of a very bulky guy!!! LOL! And then he said that, since he looked so young, Peter was always asking him, "Did you remember to ask your parents for permission to be here?" to which Randy replied, "Nope, I'm actually 75 years old!"
- What would the newspaper headline for his life say at the moment? Randy: "Randy Harrison. Nowhere to be found." Which was... unsettling. And kinda sad.
- Which causes does he support? Randy said gay rights. He said he doesn't go there as Randy Harrison of QaF, though, but just as himself and that's why he never speaks publicy.
- Upcoming projects? Randy says he doesn't know. He's going to stay in Europe and when he'll be back in NY he'll audition and hopefully he'll be hired.
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