

Sunday, August 4th 2013

By: Janet
Edited by: Marcy

Hello, my friends. Behind the cut are my thoughts on my incredible trip to New York, and meeting the beautiful Randy!

Now that I'm back from NYC and begin that tedious return to RL, I wanted to make a short post regarding my 'Harbor' experience. I won't go into much detail; I think Kim – aka predec2 - gave a very thorough report. There isn't much I can expand on there. However, I would like to say it was wonderful not only to see and talk to Randy on two separate occasions, but to meet another friend and fan fiction writer as well. It was an exciting and fun time.

Randy was amazing in the play, and my meetings with him were more than I could have ever hoped to have. At the first meeting, he shook my hand, smiled that dazzling smile that we all know and love, and called me by name. He thanked me for coming to the play, and told me he was glad to meet me. Let's say at that point I was elated.

The next night it was even better. After the play, Randy came out to leave and graciously agreed to pose in a picture with me. That is the photo that I have displayed below (my portion of the picture is cropped out); I know you all want to see Randy anyways! LOL. He spoke to me while the photo was being taken, and when I asked him if he would sign my Playbill, he answered, "Of course." He was so sweet and amazingly polite. He asked me where I was from, when I would be returning, then told me to have a safe flight home. It was an incredible experience.

I hope any who have not had the opportunity to see Randy in 'Harbor' gets the chance to do so. It was really an unforgettable experience, and one that I will always cherish. Thank you once again to my dear friend, Kim, for taking the picture, cropping, and watermarking it for me.

Hugs and love to all,